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PRESIDENT: Chaim Yosef Mariategui-Levi, PhD. Chemist, Env. Scientist

BS1980, MS 1983,and Licenciatura 1982 in Chemistry , Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, MS physical chemistry, University of New Mexico1985;, PhD, in Chemistry U of Kentucky 1988, Post Doctoral fellow at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and at Queens College, MA in math Education CCNY,1997. At least 30 hours of continuous education. Since 1989 worked as environmental consultant and contractor in recycling and in remediation of contaminated sites with heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, polynuclear aromatics and PCBs. Licensed as expert in subsurface investigation and Testing and Closure of underground storage tanks. Conducts a chemical synthesis and formulation business. Presently he has a radio program Protejamos la Tierra en Radio Maria. Peru . Dr Mariategui developed new and cost-efficient techniques to treat Hexavalent Chromium, Arsenic, Lead, Mercury and other metals in soils and groundwater. Other techniques developed are: Treatment of soils and groundwater contaminated with halogenated hydrocarbons including PCBs as well for the treatment of Aromatics and polynuclear aromatics in soils and groundwater. Dr. Mariategui taught as an adjunct faculty in several colleges in NY and NJ.   He is also interested in environmental ethics and a theology of the Environment.


VICE PRESIDENT:      Alfredo Menocal, MS Geologist

Took 80 credits of Biology Universidad Ricardo Palma, BSc(1984) and Licensure in Geology at the UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS(Defended his thesis in 1992) MSc in Geological Engineering( Univ of Huancavelica a Post Graduate fellowship at the Mining Society of South Africa and with the Chamber of Mines of Peru 2016.) Mr. Menocal worked at the center for Studies on Disaster Prevention (PREDES) from 1984 to 1987. He worked in the geodynamic study of the Rimac Basin and its Environmental impact. From 1987 and 1992 he did mining exploration in Ancash, Amazonas and Puno (Peru)

Since 1993 Mr. Menocal worked in prospecting mines and in computer simulations and programming in mining engineering and geology.


SECRETARY:              Meir Cynamon, MSChE, EIT

BA in Chemistry Brooklyn College 2007, BSChE 2011, MSChE, 2013; NYU, Tandon School of Engineering, Took EIT exams in 2013. Master's thesis on Control of Mercury Vapors, He worked with Dr. Mariategui-Levi in the development of metal treatment methods in soils and groundwater as well as in reactor design projects, Presently he works in the chemistry of precious metals (Gold, Silver, platinum, palladium and Rhodium) as well as in the formulation of diverse electroplating solutions.

Mr. Cynamon has excellent computer, drawing and communication skills. He is also trained in OSHA REGULATIONS for Safety and for Confined Space work. He has supervisory skills and training.  


TREASURER:            Susan L. Schylander, MS, Science Educator 

 BA in Education,1972 MS Education Long Island University 1976 plus 40 plus college credits taught Biology, Earth Sciences, Marine Sciences, Environmental Sciences and related courses. Her teaching style is with hands-on experience and She traveled extensively to explore the different environments, Conifer forests, Rain forests , Sea and shore environments in several countries. She has good writing skills plus she have experience in raising exotic pets in terraria mimicking their original habitat. Recently she visited California and Nevada's forests and observed the wildfires. She taught for 30 years at the high school level. She read extensively about environmental problems in NYC and the world. 




C. Gunnar Wahlstrom, MSChE, PE, MBA

BSChE/MSChE, Abo University, Finland, Professional Engineer in NY and NJ, MBA, Rutgers University. Project manager in design of cracking towers for refineries (LUMMUS Engineering), Design of cogeneration systems. Certified in subsurface investigation, tank testing, tank closure and tank installation as well as cathodic protection. Mr. Wahlstrom  did several environmental jobs in large open areas to remediate low level pollutants in groundwater using bacteria. Mr Wahlstrom worked as a consultant for Japanese chemical companies.


Donald M. Bello, MS, PG, LSRP


M.S. in Geology, Rutgers University, 1982

B.S. in Geology, Rutgers University, 1979


 NJDEP - Licensed Site Remediation Professional (#574870)

NJDEP - Subsurface Evaluation and Closure Certification (#0009643)

PA – Professional Geologist (#PG000023G)

 Mr. Bello has managed and conducted numerous hydrogeologic, environmental, and geophysical investigations at industrial facilities, landfills and uncontrolled hazardous waste disposal sites encompassing design, implementation, and interpretative phases.  Representative project elements have included the design of ground water contamination delineation programs, aquifer testing and evaluation, ranking of remedial alternatives, and the design and construction of selected alternatives.  Mr. Bello has designed and managed site assessments and remedial investigations in accordance with federal and state requirements including RCRA, CERCLA, and NEPA.  Mr. Bello has extensive experience providing litigation support on contamination cases.



Prof. Joseph W. Bozzelli PhD.

A distinguished Professor of the Chemistry and Environmental Science and the Chemical Engineering departments  at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at Princeton University in 1973. He is a recognized author in development of gas and liquid phase thermochemical properties and using ab initio and density functional quantum chemistry calculations to develop detailed chemical kinetics. He has served on the Editorial Board of the International Journal Chemical Kinetics and Combustion Science and Technology. He is the author of the internationally used THERM (Thermochemical Estimation of Radicals and Molecules) code and developer of the bond increment method for thermochemistry of radicals by group additivity. His research interests include: elementary kinetics and reaction pathways, mechanisms, and reactions of hydrocarbons, nitrogen and sulfur species, mercury compounds and chloro-fluoro-carbons. He is also active in developing new chemical laboratory experiments for undergraduate and graduate laboratory courses.

Research involves use of computational chemistry to develop thermochemical and kinetic properties – enthalpy and entropy - of species important to atmospheric or thermal reaction systems. We develop reaction paths and kinetic parameters as a function of both temperature and pressure for complex reaction systems at a detailed level and apply the reactions in models to understand and optimize a reaction process. Recent studies and publications in the group involve studies of hydrocarbon oxidation in the atmosphere in engines, combustion and power generation systems and initiation reactions in soot formation.


Lucila Goicochea, MA, MPH, Sociologist, Public Health


Augusto Lopez Rodriguez, MD, Physician, Epidemiologist


Monsignor Juvenaly Repass, BS, MDiv. Biologist and Theologian

Archimandrite Juvenal (legal name: John Repass), is a native of Connecticut. Raised as an Episcopalian, he was introduced to Orthodox Christianity at age 11 by his Russian Orthodox piano teacher. Early on, he considered a career as a concert pianist. In 1975 he graduated from Yale with a B.A. in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. In 1977, working as a medical technologist in Chicago, he became an Orthodox Christian, and began studies at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary the following year. Entering monastic life in 1982. he was professed as a monk in 1988 at St Tikhon's Monastery, receiving the name Juvenal. The same year, he received his M.Div. from St Vladimir's. In 1991 he was made a deacon and in 1992, a priest. Elevated to the rank of Archimandrite in 2007, he began teaching at St Herman's Seminary in Kodiak, Alaska in 2008, where he also traveled to minister to parishes in remote Alaskan villages. In 2014 he left Alaska to investigate working in foreign missions, and has been a missionary in Guatemala since 2917. Father Juvenal taught Greek for 20 years at St Tikhon's and St Herman's Seminaries and is a translator of liturgical texts from Greek and from Church Slavic.


Executive Vice Pres:   Leandro M. Mariategui, BS, PE, MSc, MBA, Industrial Engineer 

Secretary:                    Nilza Borda Luna, MBA, PhD

Arts/Design:                Ana Maria Vargas Roca, BA, Human Resources